Vocabulary…It Does Matter

Few things make an impact, or lack thereof, like the words you allow to flow from your lips. Regardless of your station in life, vocabulary absolutely matters...It matters to an even greater degree for those in positions of leadership. Before I go any further, let me state for the record that I'm not a prude nor am I a mama's boy. I've traveled the world, spent years in athletic locker rooms,…

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Time Is A Key Success Metric

Even though time is a key success metric I am always amazed at how many executives don't manage it as such. Time is indeed a precious and finite commodity and those professionals that manage it wisely are those that achieve the greatest results. Show me an executive that doesn't leverage time to its highest and best use and I'll show you an executive likely to be replaced by one that can. In…

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Internet Vision and Strategy

Here is a message that you might not want to hear. I am willing to bet that your company is not even remotely beginning to harness the full power of the Internet. Moreover I'm also willing to bet that you probably already know this. In a recent survey conducted by WebTrends in which more than 250 Chief Marketing Officers were polled, only 4% of respondents rated themselves and their staffs as…

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