Secondary Markets 101

With the meltdown in credit markets over the past several weeks I thought it may be insightful to look beyond the typical cries of mutual greed on the part of lenders and borrowers alike to some of the lesser-known underpinnings associated with this debacle. I'm not disputing for a second that many lenders have pushed the razor's edge with aggressive, perhaps even in some cases predatory lending,…

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Mid-Market Capital Opportunity

Today's post will focus on the analysis of mid-market capital providers, which I believe provides the most significant opportunity for companies seeking funding in today's tight credit markets. If on one end of the spectrum you've recently been given the cold shoulder by a bulge bracket lender, or at the other end of the spectrum been rebuffed by a smaller financial player, you're not alone. In…

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How to Create a Powerful Tagline

Are Unique Selling Propositions (USP) different than Taglines? The correct technical answer is absolutely yes, but you'd be surprised at the number of people (even marketing types) that don't know the difference. However the truly sad part is not just in the lack of understanding, but in the missed applicational leverage and lost opportunity costs associated with the lack of understanding. In…

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Learning from Eliot Spitzer

The recent debacle surrounding New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has dominated the media headlines in the last few days. While I have long made it a point not to sit in judgment of others as it is very difficult to properly connect the dots from afar, it is my belief that there is something to be learned from any gross error in judgment. In today's post, I'll attempt to stay away from personal…

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Thriving During a Recession

Recession are we, or aren't we? While the economists and pundits are arguing about whether or not the US is in a recession, my opinion is that we are. The classic definition of a recession is a decline in GDP for two consecutive quarters. However, it is important to keep in mind that economic data and statistics are reported on a historical basis, and by the time the economic data is released to…

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Keyword Analysis 101

Today's Myatt on Monday's question comes from a marketing executive who asks: I hear a lot about keyword optimization, but what is this specifically, and how important is it really?" If you want to be successful on the Internet, understanding how to leverage Keyword and Keyword phrases is imperative. While understanding the art and science behind keyword analysis is only one part of search engine…

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