You Can’t Argue With Crazy

Do your workplace communications ever feel as if you're spending most of your time attempting to assuage the concerns of the irrational? Over the years I've simply come to the conclusion that many otherwise savvy business people have yet to grasp - you can't argue with crazy. We've all heard the saying "pick your battles," and in my experience, one of the most futile battles that can be waged is…

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Increasing Productivity

“Finding The Zone” is a concept that most athletes are familiar with, but what about CEOs? We’ve all heard the sportscaster refer to an athlete as being in “the zone,” and so my question is this: “How do you find your performance zone as a CEO?” or better yet, “How do you find and remain in the leadership zone?” What respectable chief executive wouldn’t want to function at their best more often…

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What is The Best Definition of Leadership?

What's your definition of Leadership? In thinking about the comments I've received from readers on the topic of leadership I noticed an interesting paradox...while many of you vehemently disagree on the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of different leadership styles, most of you are in total agreement on the qualities and attributes possessed by great leaders regardless of style. In further…

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Disruptive Business Models

How disruptive is your business model? While much has been written about corporate vision, mission, process, leadership, strategy, branding, and a variety of other business practices, it is the engineering of these practices to be disruptive that maximizes opportunities. Without a disruptive focus, you are merely building your business model on a "me too" platform of mediocrity. Few things are…

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